What is the “FISH”?!
September 10th, 2022
A question I often asked when I first came on board was “what is the FISH name?” Well, there are several answers to this question. “FISH” is used in many locations and is know for many acronyms: “Friend I Shall Help” or “Friends In Serving Humanity” or several others throughout the states. Or it is thought to be a reference to many stories & parables, like the story of the Loaves and Fishes or the Apostles as “Fishers of Men”. For me, what rang most true was the ancient Chinese proverb: 授人以魚不如授人以漁 it translates to “Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime”
Chinese Philosophy and Finding Truth
If you employ the Yin/Yang philosophy to this proverb you get what I see as the most satisfying of explanations, for it is true that one can offer a fish and give food for the short term to anyone in need, and it is also true that if you can take the time to teach fishing, that person will be able to help themselves long term. It shows neither regret nor complaint about the short term relief, nor supposes a more noble effort in teaching, but treats each side of the phrase as equally good. For it is important to teach fishing, to train for improvement, but it remains absolute that even a fisherman can fail to catch a fish, can have those days when luck and skill will still not deliver the food he needs. So it remains that giving a fish on occasion is equally noble and wise and right to do, since it feeds a man that day when he is most in need and allows him another day to try again.
And so it is within the world of charity: there are large organizations with millions of dollars of support, with teams of workers and housing who are there to train and teach and support those who suffer day in and day out. They are organizations who feed and shelter and clothe the homeless and down-trodden those in chronic, long-term need. And there are those charities like the FISH who are here to help bridge the short-term gap between disaster and long-term aid, and to help those whose life is disrupted for a moment by fire or illness or job loss and just need some assistance to get the ball rolling again. We are here with the fish in hand to allow you to recover and quickly return to your own fishing hole…
So that is how I see our name. A parable that speaks to our small role within the framework of charitable operations. We do not overlap or replicate what can be found from other charities, we stand with them to offer a seamless path past the hardship and tragedy that befall us at times. A way to recover with dignity and know that once back on our feet, we have a chance then to return this favor through our own donation to a place like the FISH.